Come take this walk with me.

The sky smiles welcome:)
Going by my virtual to-do list, the next item is; write a welcome post.
Even though I don't find it difficult welcoming people to an event or even to my home... this does feel over-whelming.
Let me take a go at it and see what turns up… I won’t mess up I pray, lol.

This is lighthouse beams; the idea behind the name selection is a whole discussion topic for another blog post.

This is a new gig I’m trying out and if you stay around long enough, you might just grow to love it. *winks
So bookmark this and preferably, add to your speed dial.

This blog is going to feature educative, inspiring and even humorous ‘short’ stories. 
It promises to respond to your physical, mental and spiritual needs.

I believe in the beauty of nature and being one with a keen eye to spot the not-so obvious, your visit to this blog, will have you feasting on worthwhile content.

Without further ado, you are officially welcome to this blog!!! *throws confetti*

Please don't hold back from interactions. Drop your comments; personal views and all. Share this blog with family and all you care deeply about. Let's spread the love.

Live, Love, Learn, Grow😘



  1. Wow!Congratulations, dearie. I look forward to reading your articles

  2. Aww...Chi Chi, this is lovely yo..., a huge step, its beautiful watching you spread your wings and soar...we here to support ya all the way..#catches confettl# don't dirty the floor na...hehe

  3. Great!! The part of the righteous is like a shining light out of the dark that keeps on till the day dawn.

    1. Thank you my darling. We're walking into the light, the path is being made clearer.

  4. Where it all began. .We are here all the way !


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