Is purpose discovery, the magical fix-it-all?
Most times, it’s not satisfying enough to just discover purpose.
I know we hit so much on that. We encourage ourselves to discover why we’re born, to know what it is we are out here to achieve. Beautiful idea I must say or of what use is a life without a destination.
Well, after discovering or getting to know what purpose is, what comes next?
As I was reading Proverbs chapter 20, the verse 18 sparked something in me.
It says, ‘every purpose is established by counsel: and with good advice make war.’ With the state of things within me at the time of reading, I agreed totally.
We place too much emphasis on discovering purpose… wonderful expenditure of energy by the way, that we somewhat forget to follow through with the talk.
After discovering purpose, what am I supposed to do next? We tell ourselves to pursue it. Pursue your purpose! One sentence so vague and yet full of meanings.
After ALL the unearthing and introspections, we are left with no or little idea as to what to do after purpose must have been known.
Well, I just to let you know that the work doesn’t end with discovering purpose, the above verse introduced the little big something; counsel.
When you finally discover what it is God wants you to do, don’t sit back, and relish in the fact that you’ve discovered the big one. If you don’t do something about it, the euphoria will wear off and dysphoria sets in.
Nothing frustrates more than purpose left unattended. It eats deep. It pulls at the very fabric of your being.
I know because I’ve been there–When you start seeing people pushing their dreams and you are stuck in a limbo… with no clue on what to do.
The Big One
When you discover the goal,
- Seek advice; from God majorly, as He is the source of all things, your purpose inclusive.
- Seek guidance; from people around you… those you trust.
- Read books. Read articles, anything that might help you know and understand more.
Wage your war wisely. With good advice, you hit the bull’s eye. You don’t skitter around when you know where you’re going and probably aimed with a road map.
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