Forget about true love, you can’t have it...
We live in a world where everyone is primarily programmed to want the best for themselves. We are humans who desire to love and be loved right back. We are social beings who naturally incline towards acceptance. It’s the innate craving in every man to be accepted.
It’s okay to want to be loved. It’s okay to want to love.
Forget long talk; every human being deserves to be loved.
But, you can never love someone in the truest form till you know the author of love. It even transcends knowing, you’ve got to experience it.
God is the author of love and in Christ Jesus; he fully expresses that love to us.
Like I was discussing with a friend a while back, love is more than feelings… it’s a commitment to stay.
There’s only one true definition of love and that is the 1Corinthians 13 definition. We could try all we may but we would most definitely falter.
It is knowing God, accepting His love and living His love that soothes every hurting souls’ problem.
A whole lot of things are avoided when we’ve got the Christ love in us. Most unnecessary arguments are avoided when we live the Christ life.
Okay, being a Christ-lover doesn’t exactly amount to lack of differences in relationships. No, don’t get me wrong. There would still be squabbles (lots of them even) but the manner of resolution becomes the difference.
My Sunday school teacher once said and I rephrase: “It is safer to fall into the hands of your believing brother/sister than an unbeliever because while he/she is all out to get their exact pound of flesh, the Holy Spirit can caution them. But the Unbeliever doesn’t have the Holy Spirit, so you’re dead when they’re onto you.”
I see young people like me struggling to make relationships work. There are those who’ve really given up on the whole idea. And I understand; most days, it’s hard to believe. Love, in itself, is a beautiful thing but we suffer from the effects of a failed system.
Do I still believe in true love? Yeah.
It doesn’t mean I’m all perfect (perfection is a living man’s hope) but I’ve got the perfect one.
Forget about true love, you can’t have it without having the author.
Nice nuggets !!!