Living the scenes that make for a great story

Photo credits: NymaBallet.

“Leave the blueprints for your biography today so that it doesn’t matter how many people write of you tomorrow, the backdrop remains same.” -Author.

I once read someone who said he wrote even when he didn’t feel like it. He would pick up the tab and scribble something daily. In the particular article I was reading, he wrote to tell of how he couldn’t write. Funny right? How do you read a written work telling you the author couldn’t write? Why would someone write to say he can't write? Hold that thought. Scribble it somewhere or make a mental note to ask that in the comment box if at the end of this article you still stay confused.

In another article by Srinivas Rao, I read of how he formed the habit of writing a thousand words daily. Does this blow your mind like it did mine? Even on days when he didn’t feel up to it, it was already a fixed part of his daily schedule.
The rationale, he said: “inspiration is an unreliable strategy for creative work. The muse is a fickle mistress and she tends to show up on her own schedule. You on the other hand have the option to show up everyday.”

Don’t wait till you feel it!

A thousand words daily. Writing about your inability to write.

Do you observe a pattern that underlies these two accounts?

I see consistency, diligence, tenacity, persistence. Showing up even if the odds are not in your favour. Turning situations around to fit you. I see a practical example of ‘keep grinding.’

You may not be a writer so how does this really concern you? You have no business writing two hundred words daily and the inability to write might just be the least of your challenges. So, why should I bore you with all of these?

Look at the pattern again.

You may not be a writer but so far as you’re breathing and eating, there’s a course you’re currently pursuing. There’s a goal you’ve set before you.

It spans from the seemingly little things like cultivating a good relationship with that colleague at work, to improving your networking skills or even getting your business off the ground and keeping it afloat. The pursuit varies. But, one string hold all—The pattern.

 Now, to how it relates to you.

There would certainly be days, seasons, when you feel like wrapping all of those goals in a trash bag and flinging them away. There would be days when you see no reason to keep at it.

What do you do? 
Throw in the towels and bemoan your fate.
Start casting blames and throwing tantrums.
Keep grinding.

What makes your mess a message? It’s your tenacity; your ability to wake up and show up.

Keep at it and tomorrow, your story may be the one I have in front of my white screen.

Lots of love.

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See you in the next post. Feel free to leave your comments down below.๐Ÿ˜Š


  1. Beautiful! My writing career just got encouraged.
    It's suffocating at times. No inspiration, but today, I'm taking the challenge in good faith.

    1. That's good news sweetheart. Doing is how we get things done❤


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