Take root!

I've got super love for this flower. Took the longest time to bloom.

“And the remnant…shall again take root downward and bear fruit upward.”(Isaiah 37:31)

You are destined for greatness.

You were made for the very top.

You were crafted for excellence.

But…you must take roots. Your whole structure must go very deep before you run off screaming: I’ve got fruits…fruits!

A tree whose roots don’t go deep is very easily swayed by the wind. A very mighty gust of wind can send it very far from where it was planted.

For long lasting fruitfulness, the roots must be bound deep.

The seemingly discouraging thing about root-formation is that most times, the importance of the whole process is not appreciated by everyone else.  It’s a below-the-ground operation so more often than not; it appears to people that nothing is going on.

For long lasting fruitfulness, your roots must go deep.

Give the idea whatever it costs. Give it time. Give your resources. Move away from your comfort-zone. Take time to seek God. Build relationships. Develop yourself.

Dig your roots deep!!!

This way when results start manifesting; when the fruits start sprouting, you stand firm. When challenges come, you stand steady and face it off.

2018 would be a great year. Remember to develop roots in the areas of your fruitfulness (calling).
Cheers to a fruitful year!


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