It's house-cleaning: I dust, we talk!

Let’s clear the cobwebs…
Oh my! Is that a spider? *Swats. Dear dear, the dust in here is unbelievable! *sneezes violently!

My dear, this is what happens when you lock up a house for months. It’s been what? Four months? Wow! I’m really sorry for this long absence. *cleans dusty table. It was never intended to be this long. What did I have in mind? Two weeks or three at most… to handle personal issues. Look where we at!

You remember that saying about, not giving the devil a foothold or he's gonna want the whole yard? So apt! I didn’t see this happening. Once again, I’m sorry for the break in transmission—robbing us of the opportunity to share and learn…

How’ve you been these past months? On my end, it’s been a rollercoaster of events and emotions. In the time since we last saw, I experienced the joy of winning, I knew the sour taste of losing. There were days I had nothing but self-doubt and there were weeks, I soared with the knowledge of who I truly am.
Through it all, I came out with lessons and I’ll love to share with you.

🔆 Procrastination is evil! There’s no milder way to put it. You take that decision to defer the task to the next time and that's how the cycle begins. Next time never comes! You keep looking for the perfect time to act (write)… but there’s no such thing!
Do you also remember the saying that procrastination is a thief of time? You don't want to find out how that conclusion was made.

🔆One of the reasons I couldn’t publish anything for the past months was self-doubt. I found it hard to do that which I was passionate about. It was like, yeah, who exactly do you think you are for people to listen? Those vile thoughts!

The Bible calls 'em the little foxes that spoil the vine. In this battle of the mind, don't believe any lie of the devil.

Once you accept that you're not good enough, you begin to doubt your abilities and while on that, you lose valuable time needed to do profitable things and at the end of the day, you end up being unproductive… making it look as if you weren't good enough truthfully.

But that's a lie, one that if you had resisted, wouldn't have grown to bring forth tares and thistles—that now choke your creativity.

If you weren’t good enough truly, how then did you come about such beautiful ideas! You carefully walked through the process of developing a working framework and right at the time of execution, you suddenly become incapable? All lies! Don’t fall into that trap!

Perchance, you’ve lost this mind-battle by believing them lies, fret not! The war isn't lost. You can still get to work and clear the field and recover lost grounds. Go to the truth of God's word and reaffirm your true identity.

You are valuable! You are smart! Your ideas are valid! You can do all things through Christ!

I’ll let you think through these words. Trust me; it’s good to be back!

Go on and have a good week. Remember to let your light shine!

I love you!❤

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  1. Truly, self-doubt leads to procrastination or even project or work abandonment.

    Keep doing what you are doing, you get better as you go. Self-doubt makes you to stop or shift the work for a later time and this simply means making it hard for you to start again.

    Never listen to any voice that wants to push you to the point where you think about the difficulties of starting again. Your improvement process and progress is the target of self-doubt.

    Keep doing what you are doing. Send your work out. If it doesn't move a professional or the experts, it might make a great mark in the life of someone out there that needs the value in what you give or share.

    Be encouraged.

  2. Thank you very much, Chukwukadibia!
    I'm truly encouraged


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