Will you marry someone you met on social media?

My Facebook love waiting for your message on my wall... when are you coming online...?

Essence ft Jaywon, 2011

This was the supposed stupidity of young people of my age—social media love.

But right now, is becoming the recent fad...and oh, testimonies do abound. Talk about reorientation. What do you think?

Will you marry someone you met on social media?

Before Banky and Adesua blew our timelines late last year with their dating story, a lot of us have kept their thoughts on the matter under lids.

There used to be that viral joke about a young lady introducing the man she wants to marry to her father and he asked how they met and she said over the internet. The funny part was the father saying exasperatingly that she'll probably buy her kids off OLX.

Will you marry someone you met on social media?

I ask why not?

The virtual world is much like our physical world. There are the bad eggs and the good goons.

You don't meet someone today and get married tomorrow. No. There's that time in-between when you weigh your options, check out introspectively if they're who you want.

Much same on the SM, they don't slide into your dm today and you rush off to the registry tomorrow. Nah.

Some months back, I was in a Digital skills orientation class and the initial words the facilitator said were, we're in an era where we no longer 'go' online. Now we live online.

This sunk deep. He buttressed this point by saying that we're past that phase of toggling our data connection from on to off. In this time, we stay online 24/7 because you never know the information you may miss. It made sense to me, even though I still put mine off. Don't blame me, battery issues biko. lol

What do I intend to draw from this little narration? The statement: we live online.

Argue all you want, this is legit.

For one reason or the other, some of you have to use the internet for about 6hours a day (this being a fair sum). A good percentage of that time is spent on the various social platforms you belong to. This way, you practically live there! *shrugs

Now who says you can't find a spouse from amongst one of your many neighbours? *Rotfl

Before now, I never gave much thought to this because it never bothered me. It still doesn't tho. Whatever works for you. But my sweet friend shared the story of how she met her hubby on Facebook and hello, they're hitting up well.

A while back, another Facebook friend of mine shared her IV and through the course of joyful storytelling, mentioned that they met online too.
Please, I love me some sweet love story, hahaha

I see no reason why you should be prejudiced against this.
Shoot your shot well and when it all works out, bring our traditional in-law drinks for us😂 (my sweet friend made us—her online community— to know that we're all her in-laws.)

Now, don't forget to stay safe and prayerful. The way you prayerfully consider a physical meet-up, quadruple it when it's virtual 😉

Again I ask you, will you marry someone you met on social media? Why? Why not?
I really want to know your thoughts, comment box is right below😁

What do your friends think about this? Forward the link to them, let me know.

Remember, social media or not,

You are light, shine!

I love you

In case you missed the previous post on dealing with our buts, click here

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