How I see the world end.

I've heard different versions of apocalypse—­how this all will end— of balls of fire falling from the sky and burning everything and everyone in their path, animals revolting against man and starting a global massacre, aliens taking over earth, or the day of the walking dead; very intriguing ways to end it all. But recently, I imagined the end differently.

I see the day the world will end... it won't be in a day really but a week.

On the first day, there would be the fastest and most beautiful flow of internet connection ever known to man. It would be something totally mind-blowing! People in all nations will talk about it, it will trend. It would be a massive global improvement.  Sweet joy!

The second day is going to be even better. In addition to the swift connections, Telecommunication companies will slash the data cost. This is going to be the new trend on social media. People will renew their subscriptions, they will chat more on SM. The online shops will make massive sales. There would be overwhelming downloads of movies, music, apps… you just name it. The populace will be really happy. What can beat cheap and affordable data plans?

The next day, activities continue as before. Due to the 1 week worldwide holiday, people will have ample time to surf the internet. The teens are home, video-calls back and forth. A whole lot of activities will be ongoing on cyberspace. What the general public doesn’t know is that the systems are experiencing a serious overload. This is way more than the TC bargained. They didn’t envisage this much activity. They hoped people would occupy themselves with other things. But instead of visiting, people lie in their bedrooms and video-call. Of what use really is it to do a one-on-one meet?

On the fourth day, there would be an impromptu and general system shutdown. The data services would be out. People are just going to wake up and discover they can't surf the internet. Keypad warriors, they would discover that they've been disarmed as they can't make any complaint on social media. Men and women are going to stare into their devices for hours and discover that the glory of the former days was just a front. The few that remember to call will discover that the option isn't available no more. It would be a case of total lockdown.
For the next few hours of that day, people are going to try all sorts of options. Some will climb trees to see if the signal will show others will get to the penthouses... all to no avail. Fear will rise in their hearts. Those addicted to their devices, will roam around like zombies.

Then some are going to sleep while some will stay awake through the night to see if any change is effected. Those that slept will wake to know as well as those that didn't, that the hit was real. There would be protests on the street. The office buildings of these telecommunications companies will be stock full of people out to make their complaints. They will then be told of the general system crash. “We're sorry for the inconveniences caused, and we're working to fix a solution.” This line would be on the lips of every customer care representative. How that will be, they don’t know.

The sixth day will have people realizing that it's possible they won't ever chat again. Some will consider travelling to meet their friends for a one-on-one meet. The whole atmosphere is charged up. With the break down in communications, relationships are being ruined. Due to the distance between some and the case of exorbitant transportation cost, the populace is in a state of frenzy. There is time on their hands and no internet connection to help while it away. They start thinking of ways to spend their time. What would it be?

On the seventh day, activities which would lead to the climax of everything begin. Some people in order to fill in the need for communication will move out to their neighbors'. Generally, people will swallow their pride and seek for companionship amongst themselves. This is when the real tragedy occurs... for some have pride bigger than the mountain, Everest. Such will choke on their grandiose pride and die. There will be massive deaths worldwide from people choking on their pride. What is it really? People unable to put away their differences and converse freely.

   The already inflammable atmosphere will burst into flames.

The end draws near…

The people who survive the transition will be named the saved; those whose human relationship attributes are on fleek; people who can sit down with others and converse face-face.

There is only one way to avoid eternal damnation... talk to your neighbors!!! Swallow your pride in little bits now.


Have you got any crazy idea about the end?


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