This is how you get the whole world praying for you...


Wake up... pray
Pray… eat
Pray… sleep
Pray… travel
This is the life we live.
We Christians practically pray about everything and I’m not about discouraging this. I’m just here to facilitate many returns on that particular investment.

Case 1:
My younger brother wants a phone, so I promise to give him mine when I get a new one. He’s excited. I tell him to better be praying it works out soon. Immediately, he sends a prayer to God (benefits of having an omnipresent God, 😉). I smile and say Amen! The next night, I’m in my room, lying on the bed, about drifting off to sleep and just then I hear someone move at the door. I’m trying to sleep, so I keep my eyes shut and the fellow walks to my bedside and sighs. It’s that my younger brother, he complains that I've left my phone at the edge of the bed, saying how it might just fall and spoil. I don’t move, so he thinks I’m still asleep. He scolds me some more and I smile. He moves the phone inside and leaves the room. I find the whole incident funny as it had never happened prior to my promising him the phone.

Case 2:
I’m with a friend who is an agent for one of these online market places. There’s a target placed on him. He begins to reach out to his existing customers, making calls here and there, sending messages and calling some more. A whirlpool of activities ensues as customers begin to respond.
“Okay, order 300 blenders for me.”
“The Samsung 55’’is at #xyz, how many should I order?”
In between making those orders and calls, he takes a moment to pray for his customers. If they have more sales, so does he. I smile and say Amen! (I really love saying Amen! lol)

It is very beautiful when you pray for yourself, it’s just about the most powerful feeling in the world. But, if you want heaven to be flooded on account of you, live a productive life. Let your existence profit others. Let your life bless lives.
The trick is simple, everyone seeks to protect their interest and when your interest becomes their interest, problem solved!
My brother may have never bothered about my phone’s state of being if the promise wasn’t made.
My friend may not have bothered so much about those men and women, if his success wasn’t somehow tied to theirs.
Forget about spending 24 hours praying, when your life blesses others, heaven receives a truckload of prayers on your behalf.


  1. Beautiful! Now, I'm tempted to try this. Lolz!

    1. This is one temptation you shouldn't resist, lol...

  2. This is so true.
    Imagine that old woman in the village, you always bring goodies for her. She will keep praying for you for more. But when you splash dirty water with your car on her and also use your sound system to blast her ears. Come back next December with the car lemme see f the woman has died.
    Then you say your village people is against you.
    Nice piece. Make people around you great and don't bother about too much prayer on your head, they will take up the job of praying for you.

    1. You get the message so clearly! "Make people around you great and don't bother about too much prayer on your head, they will take up the job of praying for you."
      Thanks for dropping by...


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