Leadership Nuggets- the mosquitoes story

I’m one of those people that wonder: why mosquitoes? Yeah, I still can’t understand why the creator had to leave ‘em here. No record of any ecological impacts too. Or did I miss it?

In our home, my room had always boasted of being a safe haven. They were in the kitchen, the dining and every other room in the house… but mine! Sweet joy! I mean, I felt a measure of sympathy for my parents and brothers but I slept better at night.

Applying mosquito-cides proved to be inefficient—there were open entrances to the house. So, the quitoes were gone today but back tomorrow. It got so bad that my brother, in righteous anger, put up a temporary net post outside of their room. Life continued. Every other fellow was disturbed but me. Another morning, my father, in holy vex, set up a tent in their room. I teased him and my mother but it wasn’t too long before I started to notice them. Sleeping at night became a chore. I could throw myself under the sheets to prevent the bites but I couldn’t stop hearing their music. So they buzzed every night and I whined every morning. A continuous rhythm of complaints. No longer was I the lone survivor, I became the most bit. Joke was on me. It also seemed as if those quitoes were out to take their own pound of flesh… sorry, pint of blood.

I complained to my dad and he said, “shey there’s mosquito net in this house? Use it!” My brother had the same song on his lips. Yes, there were mosquito nets but I was being too lazy to pull one out, air and mount. I needed someone to. Every day I complained about the invasion and every night I cried as they dined.

It wasn’t funny. I whined to my friends and they all found it hilarious.

Then one night, as I lay under the covers with a terrible choir master coordinating the music, I knew that my mumu-haff-do. It was enough already! With every alto sound the quitoes made, I cemented my decision to finally get a net.

The next morning, barely an hour after the first cock crow, I was already tearing the plastic bag that held the net. I aired it. That evening, I was already discussing mounting strategy with my brother—the same one I begged to mount the net earlier o.

That was when the lesson sunk.

Most times in life, the help you so desperately need is right at the corner of your first move. Some people won’t take your plea for assistance serious till they see you make a move.

Herein lies part of my lesson for this week.

Make moves.

What’s that cause before you? What’s that dream God has placed in your heart? Take steps… no matter how little.

Leadership Lesson: A leader takes initiatives.

Leadership quote: “To become the leader you were born to be, you must cultivate the spirit of initiative. Don’t wait for others to do what you know you could and should do.” -Myles Munroe


  1. Your first move indeed......

    Really nice.

  2. Hyy..Apt as always!! More ink to your pen, strength to your hands and alto music to your ears, don't believe the band would/should quit just yet, lol!!


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