Should a 22year old feel super relaxed living off his parents, or am I just being unnecessarily agitated?

AT WHAT AGE SHOULD ONE BE INDEPENDENT? (this is the alternate form of this blog post title๐Ÿ˜‰)

I was in a room in the company of some friends when during the course of the conversation I dropped a ticking bomb! I told them that at my age, I feel as if I’ve failed in that, I’ve not become independent of my parents. I referred to my counterparts in the western countries who at the age of 18, are already set on their path to discovery. My friends raised a lot of points worth considering, these they referred to as the reasons why 22year olds are still living off their parents. They make sense but I do not wholly subscribe to them as I believe that they could be worked around. But the world does not revolve round me so, follow me on this discourse and feel free to share your thoughts at the end of each episode.

Under the current educational system in Nigeria, with the exceptions of a few hindrances, a 22years old is supposed to have graduated. But for the purpose of this conversation, we will think of them as those in their penultimate year in the higher institutions.

Am I simply spoiling for a fight, does the argument hold water?

Some of the reasons given include

1.      Parental support: one can count on one hand the number of parents out of a group of 20 that so gladly support their child’s plans to go into business or any money-spinning venture…whilst such a child is still in school. You often hear such parents telling their child to focus on their education. They term any such ideas, distractions. Many have emotionally blackmailed their children often by asking them if they find them incompetent at providing for them.

It’s only in exceptional—and highly commendable— cases that you hear testimonies of one in such age bracket who got their parent's approval to try out business ideas.

If you ask me, I’m very sure, you’ll be wondering about my opinion on this though, I would say that the time in school when still shielded from the cold realities of being a graduate provides one with ample opportunity to discover what it is that should pull in money.

Some of the time spent frolicking and gallivanting, can be better optimized by starting up ventures; gaining experiences, partnering with friends and developing ideas.

If you ask me again, I’ll suggest that parents support their children’s ideas. For some, such show of support, go a very long way at boosting their confidence and strengthening their resolve.

 At 22, I believe one should have an idea, no matter how little, of what to do to earn money.

And if I encourage such a one to go ahead and try out ideas despite the zero-support of some parents, someone would remind me of Ephesians 6:1…

Coming up: The challenge of getting capital. You finally decide to start and your akant is singing a different tune.
Ps: Remember to share your thoughts, am I blowing this out of proportion or you feel me, lol. Comment or send a mail to
Let me drop this here❤


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