Want to be real gooood and still do you?

If you are one a bit conversant with motivational talks or familiar with life-coaches, you must have received a lecture or two on purpose. The discovery and all... this piece goes ahead to say how purpose discovery doesn’t solve it all.

That’s not exactly, the main thrust of this post. Moving ahead, after you’ve discovered your purpose and you’re intent on fulfilling it what do you do so as not to become another number in the statistical data base. How do you go oil and water mixture with the crowd?

Getting started on your journey, it’s imperative that there are people you look up to. They could be mentors, actively involved in your life or ones you learn passively from. While this is good–very good actually– you shouldn’t yield to that temptation to pattern your life wholly after theirs. Even if their specialized areas is the same one you’re headed to, don’t be deceived into being another copy of them.
There’s a special you in you,” a friend once commented. Don’t lose that you in your quest to be like the big boss.

So what do we do, to avoid ending up another clone?

   Follow examples but do not replicate wholly.

         Even if the frame work happens to be the same, respond to the creator in you. If there happens to be 10 products with the same functions, add a little extra when making yours; anything valuable that would make it stand out. Two writers can have the same theme for a story but there’s no way humanly possible they will end up with the same story. Even if it happens to be the same story line, the characters must differ, the dialogues must be different, the twists and turns can’t be same. If two of them end up producing exact same story, we think plagiarism.

Tweak the patterns a bit…

      Respond positively to criticisms.

       Bear in mind that never will that time come when everyone will agree completely to your ideas. Expect that voice of opposition.

     If you live with that mindset that your opinions should never be challenged, it won’t be too long till you seek conformity. That time will come when in order to avoid being challenge, you will just do things the way that raises less argument. Not all arguments are bad, depending on how you go about it, some are avenues for you to go back and think some interesting thoughts and come out with more tangible and cogent views. In other words, challenges can help strengthen your convictions.

Embrace diverse views…

  Keep learning.

        So, you decide to be a baker… professionally. You go out and enrol in a catering school of sorts and become floured in baking *pun intended. You probably set out and start a confectionary shop or work for someone.

    Problem solved, goal achieved! Right? Yes and No. Yes–goal achieved, no–you’ve only just begun. It’s important that you go back time and time again to the classroom.   For with time, that extra or new technique you learnt becomes a common practice.  To avoid being just another baker, you need to improve on your skills. Try out new techniques, meet up with colleagues and sharpen yourselves, pay a more advanced baker to teach you. Do not rest on your oars. Do you want to stand out? Do the needful.

This list is inexhaustible but with these few tips, I believe you’re well on your way to standing out.
Any more to share with us?


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